Who Protects Our Data?

Lock your door

Living in the information age where most things are stored digitally and hackers roam abundantly, the big question is who protects our data? Most businesses request and store some form of consumer data, even free products and services ask for personal data such as name, address, phone number or email. But, Where is the data stored and who is responsible for protecting it?

Now, we are fully aware that outside of storing personal documents inside a locked box an individual cannot literally install a lock on their data. However, there are some practices that consumers can use to limit the exposure of personal data and metaphorically secure their data.

Beware the phish

The most important tip, in our opinion is to know who you share your information with. Don’t give out personal information on the phone, through the mail or over the Internet unless you’ve initiated the contact or know who you’re dealing with. This includes social media sites. Also if a company claiming to have an account with you solicits personal information via email, don’t click on any links in the email. Instead, visit the companies website using your browser and go to their site or contact them through customer service.

Data Obfuscation

Keep your browser secure. Encryption software scrambles the information you send over the internet & can assist in guarding your online transactions. Using a website that encrypts traffic protects the information you send to and from that site. A “lock” on your internet browser means your information will be safe when it’s transmitted. Verify the lock is present before you send personal or financial information online. For additional safety don't send personal data while using public WIFI unless you know your information will be protected. If you use a secure wireless network, the information you send has a better chance of being protected.

Sharpen your tools

Lastly install anti-virus software, anti-spyware software, and a firewall and configure the settings to update these protections often. Protect against intrusions and infections that can compromise your computer files or passwords by keeping your systems up to date.



Benjamin Levack, Eugina Clarke, & Paloosha Latif

Benjamin Levack, Eugina Clarke, and Paloosha Latif are 3 cyber security analysts who have assembled to discuss and review the topic of "who protects our data?".